Press Release: September 2024
The preferred option for the N17 Knock to Collooney [Atlantic Economic Corridor] Transportation Project was published on the 31st January 2023. The project received approval from Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to progress to Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) of the TII Project Management Guidelines and received an allocation of €900k in the 2024 TII Grant Allocations. This allocation is subject to the following condition set by the Minister for Transport under Section 24 of the Roads Act (1993) – “Funding is allocated to progress the Tobercurry and Charlestown Bypass elements of scheme.”
What’s happening Now:
Sligo Regional Design Office are preparing tender documents to procure companies to undertake background surveys required to facilitate preliminary design for the Tobercurry and Charlestown Bypass elements of the scheme. These surveys will include:
- Topographical and Hydrographical (River)
- Archaeological LiDAR
- Ground Investigations
What happens Next:
It is anticipated that the Topographical and Hydrographical surveys will commence on site in late 2024 followed by the Archaeological LiDAR survey. Ground Investigation is expected to be carried out in 2025. Correspondence will issue to relevant landowners in advance of the surveys taking place to explain in detail what is proposed and what companies will be undertaking the surveys on behalf of Sligo County Council. Subject to provision of funding in 2025, the preliminary design will be advanced which will be followed by public consultation in due course.