The best way to find your location is to use the interactive mapping tool located on the project website which is located here.

The Emerging Preferred Transport Corridor (shown blue on the project mapping) represents the lands within which the scheme could be developed. The exact details of the land take, earthworks, junction design, side road design, property impacts, active travel measures and public transport measures to be implemented in the scheme will be developed during the next phase of the project. The corridor is typically 500m wide with some locally widened areas. This is to allow for revision of the preliminary design in the next phases of the project as a result of consultations, feedback, detailed investigations, technical surveys and design development.

The preliminary design (shown gold on the project mapping) represents the proposed route. The width shown is indicative and does not represent the proposed land take for the scheme. The design is based on currently available information and is subject to change as the project moves into the detailed design phase. Modifications and updates to the design may be made following consultations, feedback, detailed investigations, technical surveys, and design development. Where existing local roads are impacted, they may be severed, bridged, realigned or an alternative service road may be provided. Treatment of side roads will be developed during the next phase of the project.

The road type has not yet been formally confirmed; however, at this stage, based on the current traffic projections it has been deemed appropriate to apply the design principles more in line with a Type 2 Dual Carriageway than a Standard Single Carriageway. This road type has been constructed recently between Collooney and Castlebaldwin.

The closer your property is to the preliminary design (shown gold), the more likely you are to be affected. It is key to note however that the Project is still at a preliminary design stage. Modifications and updates to the design will be made as the project moves into detailed design. Therefore, at this stage of the project it is not possible to be definitive as to which properties will be affected or to what degree properties will be impacted by the scheme.

When the detailed design is being prepared each situation will be carefully examined. If it is considered that the impact on a house would be excessive and could not be remedied by mitigation measures, consideration will be given to purchasing the house. There will be detailed consultation with the house owner during this detailed design phase.

A detailed noise modelling study will be carried out during the detailed design phase. If the modelling shows a requirement for noise mitigation (noise bunds, noise barriers etc.), these will be provided in accordance with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) Noise and Vibration Guidelines.

During the detailed design phase, the issue of lights affecting houses at night will be examined and recommendations made in relation to mitigating measures such as landscape planting and screening.

Some Local roads will be retained by way of overbridge or underbridge meaning people will be able to get from one side to the other. Others may be served by alternative service roads. Specific information is not available at this stage of the project. Design of side roads will be developed during the detailed design phase.

There will be no direct agricultural accesses onto the new N17. The objective will be to group divided lands together and link their access to local roads via farm accommodation roads.

Compensation is not determined at this phase of the project. Compensation will be determined after detailed design has been completed and the statutory consent process (planning process) for the scheme concludes.

For the purposes of guidance only, claims for compensation for the compulsory purchase of land or property may include one or more of the following items:

1.   Market value of the land or property – may be deduced from sales of comparable properties, capitalisation of rents etc.

Factors influencing value will include

    • Title and sub-tenure
    • Location, area and quality of land
    • Market conditions and trends
    • Type, size, condition and age of buildings
    • Development potential
    • Availability of services
    • Planning history and status

2.   Disturbance and other matters not based on the value of the land including

    • Costs of seeking and acquiring new premises
    • Removal expenses
    • Temporary loss of crops, grass etc
    • Professional fees associated with acquisition
3.   Damage arising from the severing of the land acquired from the lands retained by the owner.
4.   Damage arising from injurious affection of the lands or property retained including loss of view, loss of privacy, increased noise etc.

Planning applications inside emerging preferred transport corridor will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you are located within the corridor and are considering lodging a planning application, you should contact Sligo Regional Design Office to discuss in the first instance:

There may also be some areas that are not suitable for development outside the emerging preferred transport corridor, particular along local roads which may be realigned as part of the scheme.

It is not possible to determine when the proposed scheme will be constructed. Following the Public Consultation period, the project team will closeout Phase 2 of the project which is expected to take a number of months.

The project must then enter a Detailed Design and Environmental Evaluation Phase followed by a Statutory Processes Phase (i.e.) Planning and Land Acquisition. The Statutory process concludes with a planning application and Compulsory Purchase Order being lodged with the relevant Planning Authority. Progression of the project through these phases is subject to Government funding and Transport Infrastructure Ireland approval.

This project is being progressed in accordance with Transport Infrastructure Irelands (TII) Project Management Guidelines (PE-PMG-02041). These guidelines divide the progression of a Project into an eight-phase process (Phase 0 to Phase 7) as shown on extract below from this document. The project is currently at Phase 2 Option Selection.

The development strategy for this scheme has yet to be determined. However, it is proposed to maintain the existing N17 from Knock Village to Ireland West Airport Knock. From the Airport northwards it is proposed to bypass Charlestown/Bellaghy, Curry, Tobercurry, Achonry and Ballinacarrow before joining up with the existing N17 near the Ballymote Junction. It is proposed that the existing N17 will be maintained or improved from the Ballymote Junction to its termination point at the existing roundabout in Collooney.

The Project has been progressed in a manner that allows it to be developed in sections such as:

  • N5 to Ireland West Airport Knock;
  • Charlestown / Bellaghy and Curry Bypass;
  • Tobercurry Bypass;
  • Achonry / Ballinacarrow Bypass.

The public can contact the project team by the following means: